In the beginning Gazpacho with tartare - gazpacho in a glass, crispy focaccia, beef tartare Plates Tomatoes with labneh - tomatoes from the fire, creamy labneh yogurt and fresh marjoram Hummus with broad beans - creamy hummus, boiled broad beans, pine nuts Eggplant with nuts - eggplant from the fire, peanut sauce, spicy oil Ginger patisons - yellow grilled patisons, fresh ginger, pecorino sheep cheese Focaccia - fresh focaccia, olive oil Grill Grilled lamb and apricot chutney Entrecote steak with chimichurri sauce Wild prawns with pico de gallo Lettuce and blackberries - fresh lettuces, blackberries, currant dressing Spuds and cottage cheese with chive - potatoes, creamy cottage cheese and black garlic Dessert Gooseberry with meringue - meringue, whipped cream, gooseberry The menu price does not include the cost of renting and transporting the grill

 Duration around 3h

 Purchase of produce

 Chefs transportation costs

  Rent of elegant plates and cutlery matching the menu (no glasses included)

 Cooking and service

 Table service - serving dishes

 Cleaning of the kitchen at the end

 Full satisfaction or cost return

 Safe payments

  Your payment will be stored on a dedicated account and given to the chef (except the installment) after completing the order.

New booking

  Number of guests attending:      

  Price per person  EUR  145.00

  Total price  EUR  145.00