Chef Christoph Koscielniak

Chef Christoph Koscielniak

About Chef

Christoph is a longtime chef.

The experience he gained as a kitchen manager in large clinics and private rehabilitation facilities contributed to the fact that the chef can now apply the latest discoveries in the field of nutrition in to practice.

 Chef Christoph also gained wide knowledge of the most important food areas and food intolerances, as well as dietetics – through training at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) in the field of dietetics - among many other professional experiences.

 As a licensed B-fitness trainer combined with dietetics, he has gathered a vast experience in this field.

According to the chef, losing weight in a healthy way does not mean doing so without deliciously prepared and nutritious food. A balanced composition of food, taking care of proper hydration of the body and of course physical exercise are important physical and mental building blocks for success.


Kaarst + 50 km

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