Chef Krzysztof Łosiewicz

Chef Krzysztof Łosiewicz

About Chef

Krzysztof is primarily self-taught. He gained his first professional experience in Sweden in several elegant Restaurants "La Vue", "LaProvance" and "Sletten". He mostly grew by reading and experimenting.

In the kitchen sheadheres to the principles of "zero waste" and"from farm to table". After returning to Poland he worked in a few Szczecin restaurants and then opened his own restaurant "Biała Truffa".In Biała Trufla he won such distinctions as "3forks Grand Award" in the Poland 100 BestRestaurants guide and a hat in the Gault & Millau guide.

He experiments in the kitchen allthe time and is not afraid to create and combinenew flavours. He is inspired by what surrounds him and by Old Polish cuisine. In the kitchen, he is limited only by his imagination.


Berlin + 50 km

Szczecin + 50 km

Foreign Languages

Polish, English

Available menus